Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Indeed, God does not punish everyone for the faults of a few disobedient people, until these disobedient people continue to disobey and those who are obedient, despite being able to stop them, do not stop them - at this Allah orders for the destruction of all, the obedient and the disobedient

Indeed, God does not punish everyone for the faults of a few disobedient people, until these disobedient people continue to disobey and those who are obedient, despite being able to stop them, do not stop them - at this Allah orders for the destruction of all, the obedient and the disobedient 

576                          Da'wat and its virtues

10. ‘Urs ibne-‘Umairah RadiyAllaahu ‘anhu narrates that RasuulUllaah SallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: Indeed, Allah does not punish everyone for the faults of a few disobedient people, until these disobedient people continue to disobey and those who are obedient, despite being able to stop them, do not stop them - at this Allah orders for the destruction of all, the obedient and the disobedient. (Tabarani, Majma-‘uz-Zawaid)

11. Abu Bakrah RadiyAllaahu ‘anhu narrates that (at the conclusion of the sermon of Hajj, on 10 Dhil Hajjah, at Mina) RasuulUllaah SallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: Have I conveyed to you the commandments of Allah? We all said: Yes. He said: O Allah! Be witness to this, then he said: Let him who is present here convey to him who is absent; for verily its so happens that one to whom a message is conveyed will preserve it (that is understand and remember it with all its implications including Da’wat) more than he who conveys it. (Bukhari)

Note: This hadith clearly stresses that whoever hears (knows) a command of Allah and His Messenger, he should not withhold this to himself, but he must convey it to others. Perhaps, the people who are conveyed will fulfill the obligations of the message better than the person who has conveyed it to them. (Fathul Bari)

12. Hudhaifah ibnil-Yaman RadiyAllaahu ‘anhu narrates that Nabi SallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: By

Reference:  http://muntakhabahadith.com

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